Since this is a repeat question in my office, I thought I would share the solution with you. Here are two possible scenarios:
1. Draw a polyline with an elevation of 0.00 in location "A". Highlight the polyline and change the elevation to 147.00 and the polyline moves to location "B".
2. Draw a line at any elevation and location "C". Highlight the line and change the elevation of one endpoint to a different elevation and the line moves to location "D".
You might even find that if you try to execute a move command on either the polyline or the line from Step 1 or Step 2, they won't appear to move because the elevation doesn't change.
Do you know what the problem is?
The view has been changed to something other than "
To correct the situation, just type
-view at the command prompt and then
top to reset the view. You can also find the solution in the dropdown menus at
View-3D Views-Top.